School goes green

Il progetto “School goes green” offre a 20 studentз di età compresa tra i 14 e i 17 anni, frequentanti il Liceo “Regina Margherita” di Palermo, l’opportunità di svolgere un’esperienza formativa di volontariato durante i mesi estivi (giugno-luglio) per favorire la partecipazione attiva e lo sviluppo di stili di vita sostenibili. Per partecipare, va inviata…


Reti educative al lavoro


The project aims to implement empowerment paths for women in socio-economic disadvantage, in the Borgo Vecchio and ZEN neighbourhoods of Palermo, through the implementation of a set of actions concerning training, vocational guidance and psychophysical wellbeing, with an educational approach based on dialogue, creative expressiveness and group counselling. The project envisages moments of encounter and…

Donne in azione

The project aims at reinforcing self-awareness and orientation in one's growth and life path through the development of activities to support study, job placement and personal well-being. It targets young women and adolescents at risk of social exclusion in the Borgo Vecchio district, through an approach that enhances their self-awareness and self-narration. Granting body: Regione…

Bolton Hope Foundation

The project, supported by the Bolton Hope Foundation, aims to guarantee new young students the acquisition of the basic skills (knowing how to read, write and do arithmetic), indispensable to successfully pass the first cycle of education. The intervention stimulates contamination between school and non-school realities, between formal and non-formal education, creating conditions for constant…

Women in Action

The Women in action project aims to give continuity to the socio-educational, psychological-emotional and training support that was created in Borgo Vecchio, in the city centre, during the pandemic, aimed in particular at the most sensitive group most affected by the negative effects of the crisis, namely young women and adolescents. The actions, to be…


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