Di Pari Passo is a project aiming to combat any form of behavior based on prejudices or gender stereotypes. To this end, this initiative aims to increase the entire community’s awareness and understanding of gender violence in all its manifestations and its consequences on a cultural, social and economic level.
Di Pari Passo carries out various activities directed at women in the ZEN neighborhood of Palermo and two second grade classes of the “Leonardo Sciascia” middle school, located in the same neighborhood. The entire community is also actively involved in awareness-raising initiatives against female stereotypes and on the importance of practices that promote women’s autonomy.
The project includes several activities:
a workshop on citizenship and gender violence which is aimed at the entire community of the ZEN neighborhood and involves citizens in four focus groups on how they experience the city, its services and how these conditions are reflected on gender relations;
a theatrical social tailoring workshop involving the women of the neighborhood, inspired by women and characters who have made a difference: the “PupazZen” rag dolls are made on these models and they are the protagonists of a theatrical performance created by the participants and taken on tour for the city. t the end of the project, the installation of the “Wall of Dolls” was also created;
an awareness workshop on gender violence – Aimed at classes 2B and 2D of the “Leonardo Sciascia” secondary school, it includes awareness-raising activities and practical meetings for the creation of a mini web series that encourages reflection on stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination based on gender;
a path of awareness and knowledge of gender discrimination in the labour market which involves students of the ICS “Leonardo Sciascia” and informs them about the dynamics of the world of training and today’s job market.
Through the manual, artistic and orientation activities carried out, opportunities for socialisation, knowledge and self-determination of the female population of the ZEN district and of the entire city of Palermo will be promoted and awareness will be increased among young people on the topic of gender violence and on the tools to prevent and fight it as well.