Be Present 2.0

The BE Present 2.0 project involved 6 volunteers from France, Spain and Ukraine, aged between 16 and 30, who stayed for 9 months in Palermo.

The project aims to provide the young people involved with a non-formal learning experience, with the aim of enhancing their personal, socio-educational and professional development. The project intends to focus on young NEETs to set in motion opportunities that can break the extreme distrust of the latter and trigger a process that brings their vitality and desire back into play. Young people are put in a position to explore and experiment in terms of aptitudes, skills and interests, making the most of their personal potential.

The project is based on the principles and values ​​of the European Solidarity Corps, and in particular:

  • promote inclusion and equal opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities;
  • improve the level of young people’s key skills by promoting solidarity, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion;
  • strengthen the international dimension of work by and with young people by promoting mobility and cooperation between youth organisations.

The young participants have the opportunity to live an important experience of personal and professional growth. The volunteers experience a socio-educational path that stimulates their reflection on the phenomena of exclusion and marginalization that involve the Borgo Vecchio, Ballarò and ZEN neighborhoods of Palermo, in which, as a non-profit organisation, Per Eesempio manages a space against school dropout, it collaborates with a center against gender violence and with various structures including an inter-ethnic play library. At these centres, volunteers are actively involved in the implementation of numerous activities, including: assisted study and creative, expressive and sporting workshops with adolescents; city ​​trips, out-of-town excursions for children and families; expressive-creative mother/child workshops aimed at strengthening parenting skills; support activities for migrant and native families who are unable to access public services aimed at children.