Bolton Hope Foundation

The project, supported by the Bolton Hope Foundation, aims to guarantee new young students the acquisition of the basic skills (knowing how to read, write and do arithmetic), indispensable to successfully pass the first cycle of education. The intervention stimulates contamination between school and non-school realities, between formal and non-formal education, creating conditions for constant dialogue between school and territory.
It involves the students of all the ICS Lombardo Radice complexes, from class IV of the Primary School to class III of the Secondary School. In these classes, during curricular time, teachers and educators co-lead the class groups mixing knowledge, methodologies, tools with the common intention of fostering the educational success of all students, experimenting new didactic methodologies aimed at learning and inclusion and favouring in every way and on every occasion the protagonism of young people in the processes of socialisation and learning. Albergheria-Palazzo Reale (Ballarò) and Cuba Calatafimi are the neighborhoods involved.