Frequenza 200 is a project aimed at combating early school leaving in the Borgo Vecchio area, a popular neighborhood in the historic center of Palermo. The specific objective of the project is to carry out some interventations in order to fight the early school leaving and the situations of youth distress present in this context as well, offering new and different opportunities for meeting, training and growth. Il progetto è un intervento/programma che si sviluppa nell’ambito di un network presente in diverse città d’Italia (Palermo, Milano, Torino, Napoli, Roma, Bari).

The educational center operates five afternoons a week and offers activities shared with local institutions, in particular public schools, competent social services and an observatory on school dropout. The educational paths are carried out through direct scholastic support activities, in favor of the minors involved, and sporting and recreational activities, with particular attention to local educational activities, tending to involve the neighbourhood, as the protagonist of the established intervention, and not as a simple spectator. In particular, the project makes use of two main tools: the artistic and manual medium – as a means of expression and experimentation – and sport – as an aggregative tool for positive experimentation with rules, and as a tool for social inclusion and healthy competition-. At the same time, the families of the minors are involved with counseling and strengthening of parenting skills.

Schools represent a fundamental hub for creating a homogeneous intervention team for the beneficiaries of the project. Users who directly attend the center are asked to share their experience with their peers and other children from their schools with a view to methodological development relating to “peer education”. The basic aim of the project is therefore the implementation of a shared path between teachers, families and pupils, who are involved in the different phases, in order to impact not only on the minors, but also on the basic dynamics that can negatively influence their socio-relational growth.