Intervento contro l’abbandono scolastico e per lo sviluppo educativo

The project I.N. C.L.A.S.S.E wants to encourage the rapprochement with the school circuit, and the permanence in it, of young people, aged between 10-16 years, who have abandoned their studies or who present a strong risk of dropping out. The leitmotif of the project proposal lies in the role attributed to the educating community as a “place” where discussion and debate are desirable and possible. The project aims to build and keep a collaboration between subjects representing the local area of ​​reference, enhancing the role of families, schools and voluntary organizations. All the planned activities, bringing together school, family and the organizations in a strong educational action, reaffirm the role assumed by each of them in the educational path of young people.

The project partner schools allow the organization of scholastic, extra-curricular and free time activities, enhancing the role of teachers at the top level. The students involved in the activities carried out in schools, in community centers and “on the road” will adopt values ​​such as cooperation between peers, solidarity, respect for others and will increase their motivation at the end of the compulsory cycle or at further studies. The opportunities for them to approach the market labour will multiply, enriching their learning processes with content and significant experiences. With a view to greater involvement of families, parents participate in activities to be carried out with their children, acting on the development of parenting skills, and communication-relational, educational and decision-making skills. The creation of planning groups in schools on European programs dedicated to youth is envisaged, involving new volunteers in project activities, in order to share their know-how and best practices and to create real processes of sharing methodologies and operational tools ensuring “chorality” and coherence to the intervention.

The fundamental objective is to promote a conscious culture of volunteering and social promotion, contributing, at an expanded level of “educating community”, to the strengthening of the values ​​of cooperation, solidarity, legality, social and individual responsibility.