LAB Arts

L.A.B. Arts is a project created in collaboration with the Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts Al-jana. It is dedicated to young people between 14 and 16 years old and to members of youth organizations who live and work in two geographical areas: the Borgo Vecchio neighborhood in Palermo and the refugee camps of Beddawi and Nahr El-Bared in the north of Lebanon.

Both contexts identified are characterized by a high degree of marginalization, poverty, unemployment and lack of educational opportunities. In these areas, young people represent the most vulnerable category, subject to a high risk of dropping out of school and social exclusion, as well as possible involvement in illegal activities. For this reason, L.A.B. Arts aims to achieve greater levels of inclusion of young people in the identified areas through their involvement in artistic activities.

The project follows two main lines of intervention. The first aim is to promote opportunities for cognitive, emotional and social growth of young participants through non-formal education activities and artistic workshops (videomaking, rap). These activities are designed to provide participants with transversal skills useful for their empowerment and inclusion process. The second type of intervention is oriented towards the professional development of the participating organizations and their staff members. The planned activities (meetings, study visits, creation of a toolkit) are designed to encourage the sharing of good practices and improve their daily work in supporting disadvantaged young people.