Let’s Amunì

Let’s Amunì project aims to:

  • increase the knowledge and skills of volunteers regarding the fundamental role of non-formal education and its tools in combating school dropout and gender violence;
  • increase young people’s awareness of the value of volunteering activities as a strong tool for active participation, solidarity and social inclusion.

The young participants are involved in an important experience of personal and professional growth, a socio-educational path that will stimulate their reflection on the phenomena of exclusion and marginalization that involve Borgo Vecchio neighborhood of Palermo, a neighborhood at risk of social exclusion and where, as a non-profit organisation, we manage a center against school dropout and one against gender violence. They will thus approach issues of great importance not only at a local level, but also at a European level and indicated as priorities in the Erasmus+ program itself (contrasting school dropout, promoting gender equality, etc.).

The volunteers support the educators of the center to combat school dropout and assist them in carrying out activities in the project partner schools and during local initiatives. Furthermore they are actively involved in the creation of:

  • individual and group assisted study activities;
  • creative, expressive, sports workshops;
  • city trips, excursions out of town;
  • scientific, artistic and creative workshops in class groups.

They are also supported in different activities in our center to combat gender violence, gradually approaching a complex subject strongly connected to youth hardship and to the phenomenon of school dropout, supporting operators in the implementation of various recreational and workshop activities.