PIN for ME

Promoting Inclusion for Migrants’ Empowerment

Improve the strategies adopted by youth organizations and workers to promote the inclusion of migrant minors. This is the main objective of the PIN for ME – Promoting Inclusion for Migrants’ Empowerment training.

An important part of the high number of migrants arriving in Europe is represented by unaccompanied foreign minors, whose integration process in the destination countries is made difficult by their past and the traumatic circumstances in which they are involved while trying to leave the country of origin. Understanding their experiences, offering them protection and promoting their emotional and cognitive growth can help their integration process into the host society.

Through training, study visits in partner countries and a final seminar, events scheduled to take place between April and July 2018, PIN for ME aims to improve the quality of the work of partner organizations and youth workers – two per country participating in the project – who work with migrant minors, focusing on three main aspects: listening, participation and orientation.