Reti educative al lavoro

The R.E.A.L. project – Reti Educative a Lavoro (Educational Networks at Work) – stems from the need to give continuity to the significant pathway implemented over the last ten years by Per Esempio in Palermo’s Borgo Vecchio neighbourhood, aimed at combating the widespread educational, social, cultural and economic poverty present there. It characterises an intervention model based on the implementation of three main actions:

  1. Inside, beside, outside the school
  2. Parental empowerment
  3. Empowerment of the educating community.

The intervention aims at enhancing the school, thanks to curricular activities carried out together with teachers and class groups; the territorial educational centre, where workshops, meetings and study activities are organised; everyday spaces, places of life where socialisation and spontaneous aggregation are generated, the neighbourhood and the city, in a continuous connection between the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’ of the living context.