Youth in movement

ACT is a social inclusion project, led by the Adice association of Roubaix (France), which aims to create innovative citizenship pathways for young people with fewer opportunities. The project, in fact, offers them the opportunity to carry out a volunteering experience with migrants and/or refugees in Italy or Greece. 54 young people from disadvantaged areas of Roubaix, Liverpool and Brussels – but also from Italy and Greece – are involved in voluntary activities to support migrants in difficulty.

The main objectives are:

  • develop volunteering projects to encourage the inclusion and integration of young unemployed people at risk of exclusion or victims of discrimination and potential radicalisation;
  • allow these young people to engage with arriving migrants in order to raise their awareness of the values ​​of citizenship, solidarity and tolerance;
  • disseminate good practices and success stories of the young people involved and spread these experiences in the communities of origin, especially in the disadvantaged ones from which they come.
  • attract new young people to volunteer projects and fight against the risk of isolation and violent radicalisation.

In order to achieve these objectives, the project partners:

  • share existing good practices between incoming volunteers and hosting operators;
  • create a training course for young volunteers, in order to adequately prepare them for working with arriving migrants;
  • send 45 volunteers to carry out projects with migrants in Greece and Italy;
  • organize 9 volunteering projects at local level;
  • create videos and dissemination tools to explain the active citizenship paths of the volunteers, before their departure and during the project, in order to highlight the aspects linked to the values ​​of commitment and solidarity;
  • disseminate good practices and videos in the neighborhoods and disadvantaged areas of origin of the volunteers to combat social exclusion and radicalisation;
  • work closely with institutions and organize a final major dissemination event in Brussels involving decision makers, in order to make recommendations on youth policies.

Therefore, project activities include transnational meetings, volunteering projects in Italy and Greece and the creation and dissemination of project results.