C.A.S.A. a Ballarò

Comunità Aperta Scuola Attiva a Ballarò

C.A.S.A. a Ballarò is a project that was born under the impulse of an informal network that has been focused for several years in the process of regeneration of the Albergheria/Ballarò neighborhood in Palermo. Associations, social cooperatives, parishes, schools, universities, small traders, citizens and institutional representatives are the subjects involved in a single participation process, aimed at formalizing the construction of an active community which dialogues, cooperates and educates.

Specifically, the project aims to increase the levels of well-being and opportunities for educational growth for minors in the Albergheria/Ballarò district of Palermo, aged 5-14, who live in situations of social, cultural and economic fragility.

C.A.S.A in Ballarò involves the implementation of study support activities, street education interventions, training courses based on the methodology of peer education in the scientific and STEM (Science Festival) fields, curricular workshops for the strengthening of transversal skills, extracurricular workshops aimed to the preparation of neighborhood events on topics such as interculturality, fight against bullying phenomena (with a mini docu-series filmed by the students of Liceo Scientifico Benedetto Croce) and anti-discrimination (Ballarò Buskers and Mediterraneo Antirazzista), summer workshops and sports activities, which also allow a balance between work and family time.

Sono previste inoltre attività di sostegno alla genitorialità (counseling psico-pedagogico, formazione per mamme tutor, laboratori di sartoria, accompagnamento al titolo di licenza media per genitori di minori in condizione di povertà assoluta, corsi di alfabetizzazione informatica), valorizzazione di alcuni spazi degli istituti scolastici partner (ristrutturazione della palestra e creazione di un orto didattico presso l’ICS “Nuccio-Verga”, e l’equipaggiamento dei laboratori di chimica e biologia del Liceo Benedetto Croce) e attività formative per i docenti. More, the redevelopment of some spaces in the neighborhood is planned, such as the Handala Garden, Piazza Mediterraneo and the space in front of the remains of the Church of Santa Maria del Soccorso, as well as the creation of a community map.