Profili di Volontari in Apprendimento di Competenze per l’inclusione

PRO.V.A.C.I. is a project on the theme of active participation whose specific objectives are the mobilization of citizens’ voluntary action, the creation of a system of research, allocation and valorisation of the voluntary service and the facilitation of the match between organizations and volunteers profiled according to specific skills . The activities involving volunteers and organizations are mainly conducted in two areas: reception and inclusion of migrants and educational poverty.

To achieve its objectives, PRO.V.A.C.I. carries out a mapping of organizations interested in offering a volunteering experience; develops a profile of volunteers based on their skills, expectations and desires; promotes training courses for volunteers; creates certification and recognition models for skills.

To facilitate the achievement of these objectives, the project involves the creation of an online platform,, where the meeting between supply and demand for volunteering is achieved as well as, in parallel, the circulation and exchange of ideas and good practices relating to the world of the collaborative economy. The platform allows potential volunteers, organizations and groups and/or individuals who want to share a project idea to register in the “People, Organizations and Ideas” sections and to meet each other, based on the informations provided. The dissemination of the project is guaranteed by the campaign “Citizens on the move”- which travels on every public transport in the city of Palermo starting from October 2017- and by a large event presenting the results of PRO.V.A.C.I., held in one of the squares of the historic center of the city in the spring of 2018 with the name of “Participation Festival”.