The Great ESCperience

The project “The Great ESCperience” takes place in Palermo and will last for 9 months for each volunteer. It is expected to involve 8 young people between 18-30 years old with strong motivations to work in groups and in rough socio-cultural and economic contexts.
The general objective of our project is to increase the awareness of young European NEETs on the value of non-formal education, as a tool of active participation and social inclusion, providing them with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
The specific objectives of our project are:

  • To enhance the knowledge and skills of young volunteers on the issue of gender empowerment, migration and discrimination and countering all forms of violence, including gender stereotypes;
  • To fight educational poverty among children, in particular among those who live in social, cultural and economic situations at risk of exclusion;
  • To reduce the levels of early school leaving, improving literacy and strengthening education;
  • To increase the information levels of young people on training, mobility and job opportunities offered at local, national and European level;
  • To increase awareness of the value of volunteering and solidarity.
  • The volunteers we want to welcome in our organisation will be characterised by a strong will to collaborate, communicate, get involved, strongly motivated to know the local context and its challenges.