V 4 Volunteers

Promoting inclusive voluntary activities

V4Volunteers is a project that aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills of youth workers and staff members of organizations involved in the field of volunteering. Thanks to V4Volunteers, they will develop new skills related to the promotion and implementation of volunteering projects capable of promoting social inclusion.

Specifically the project aims to:

  • promote youth volunteering as a tool for social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities;
  • actively encourage voluntary practice, as a means of civic engagement and skill acquisition;
  • develop and share innovative ways to strengthen voluntary organisations;
  • create policy recommendations on the topic of volunteering;
  • establish sustainable collaboration between the actors involved in the European Voluntary Service and the European Volunteer Corps;
  • provide the EVS support staff of partner organizations with skills and knowledge useful for achieving higher standards in the volunteering projects carried out.

V4volunteers promotes, among its activities, focus groups on the topic of volunteering, exchanges of good and bad practices between partner organisations, international meetings, training, research on the current European framework of volunteering and a policy recommendation paper aimed at the EACEA, based on good practices identified during the project.