
Adilah is a project that intends to strengthen a network of organizations, coming from the world of volunteering, which for years have been promoting activities in support of the rights of children and adolescents. Starting from the female figure and paying particular attention to the role of mothers, Adilah promotes the activation of specialist offices to support motherhood and the training of the young women involved. The project is divided into three neighborhoods considered at high risk of marginalization: ZEN 2, Ballarò, Noce/Zisa.

The project involves the creation of three branches:

an orientation and job desk which provides informations and support to young native and foreign women in order to facilitate the processes of approaching work and where it is possible to receive orientation to the services offered by the network; an expert in human resources management accompanies users on orientation courses aimed at identifying individual skills that can be used in the job market;
a health and gynecological help desk that guarantees a medical assistance service dedicated to the health of mothers; the desk presents activities which, through the organization of workshops, deal with the topics of prevention and health education; some services with related operators are envisaged: cultural mediation, legal consultancy, social worker;
a psychological support social desk for parenting that offers women and their families a welcome space to take charge of psychological distress, giving the possibility of planning targeted help paths, also guaranteeing targeted moments of information orientated to existing services in the area. It is activated at the two childcare centers managed by the associations Kala Onlus and the Casa di tutti le Genti, it gives mothers the opportunity to access to the services dedicated to them by entrusting their children to qualified staff.

Il progetto prevede inoltre l’avvio di un percorso di formazione, indirizzato ad un gruppo di donne del quartiere Zen 2, con il fine di favorire l’acquisizione di competenze utili all’avvio di un servizio per l’infanzia nel proprio quartiere. In un quartiere dove non esiste alcuna struttura di questo tipo, né pubblica né privata, l’apertura di tale spazio ludico offre alle donne un servizio che faciliti il loro accesso al lavoro.