Fight against educational poverty


Frequenza 200 is a project aimed at combating early school leaving in the Borgo Vecchio area, a popular neighborhood in the historic center of Palermo. The specific objective of the project is to carry out some interventations in order to fight the early school leaving and the situations of youth distress present in this context…


Intervento contro l’abbandono scolastico e per lo sviluppo educativo

Borgo Vecchio Factory

Per Esempio, in collaboration with WeWorld foundation, from 2014 to 2018, coordinated Frequenza 200 project, an intervention to combat early school leaving, aimed at children and young people in the Borgo Vecchio neighbourhood, an area of ​​the city that presents serious economic hardship, a very high unemployment rate and a strong educational emergency. In 2014,…

Edu-Action 2.0

The idea of ​​Edu-Action 2.0 was born from the experience gained between 2016 and 2017 with the Edu-Action project. This initiative in fact represents the second chapter of a path designed to encourage transnational mobility and non-formal learning by young youth workers who work in organizations involved in the fight against school dropout. Acquiring and…

LAB Arts

L.A.B. Arts is a project created in collaboration with the Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts Al-jana. It is dedicated to young people between 14 and 16 years old and to members of youth organizations who live and work in two geographical areas: the Borgo Vecchio neighborhood in Palermo and the refugee camps of Beddawi…


In line with the objective of the Europe 2020 strategy to reduce the school dropout rate to 10%, the “Edu-Action” project aims to encourage cooperation and youth exchange between the participating countries and partners of the program in different regions of the world through the involvement of youth organizations committed to increasing school attendance. A…