Gender equality
Through our projects we aim to give concrete answers to the problems related to gender inequality and the difficulty of women and adolescents in carrying out growth, training and autonomy paths in full freedom and awareness. This problem is very widespread in the working-class neighborhoods of Palermo which have high unemployment, economic and material poverty, and school dropouts. The Borgo Vecchio neighborhoodin which we operate, for example, corresponds to this description. The socio-economic hardship is accentuated for single-parent or very large families, where mainly women find themselves having to support a burden of work and domestic care that is too tiring, often giving up self-care and professional training precisely for daily needs of having to “look after the family”.
Furthermore, women and adolescents have experienced the worst impact of the Covid pandemic: school dropout, job loss, early pregnancies and domestic violence represent the most widespread conditions of hardship on which we intervene with educational, psychological and training support paths.